Monday, July 14, 2008

Fun in San Francisco

Well, we now have a 2 month old little baby. My how time flies. I remember when I was a kid and relatives that had not seen me in a while would say "Wow you are so big!" I thought it was a big lie that all grown ups say. Now, as a parent I pay closer attention to my friend's kids, and my relative's kids and I find myself saying this exact phrase "you are so big" to their kids. I hope that it doesn't damage them in some way. It's really just amazing how fast kids grow! Speaking of, I hope my little angel grows out of this acid reflux. I hate watching such a little person gag and cough like this. At least I think it's acid reflux. I will find out in approximately 3 and a half hours when we go to the pediatrician.

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day here in the city and we went to this fun place in Golden Gate Park called the Park Chalet. guess on Sundays from 2:00-5:00 they have live music. We were there with some friends listening to the music, eating corn on the cob and burgers from the restaurant on our blanket, people watching, and drinking delicious wine from our friend's bag. It was such a gorgeous day and we were parked across the street at Ocean beach and then just walked across the Great Highway and viola! we were there having a ball. There were also a lot of kids there and pregnant women, which is refreshing to see in this city full of single people with dogs.

For the last 6 months I have researched strollers. Alot. And now I am a serious stroller snob without a stroller. Since we live on the 4th floor, I keep putting this purchase off. Especially because our building is lacking an elevator. I want a Phil and Ted's because we may have another baby in the near future and you can convert it to a nice double. Also, I want a Bob Revolution for jogging. And I want a Maclaren Techno XT for baby to toddler quick trips. I think I will end up with none of them as right now I am way to weak to carry them up these stairs.

I just want to thank Safeway for delivering groceries. Thank you Safeway. The few times my baby and I have gone grocery shopping have been major adventures. This is mainly due to the fact that we have to park our car on the street. So I go to the grocery store, get the groceries with the infant, and then stop in front of our building and drop off the bags in the lobby and hope no one steals my milk. Then we look for a parking spot, sometimes we end up as much as 6 blocks away and it takes a while to find a spot. (By 'a while' I mean one time I looked for 45 minutes, then I drove to a grocery store, bought a snack and looked again for another 30 before finding one.) Now I am better and know tricks and all the good places. Anyway, then we walk back to the apartment. I walk up the 4 flights with sweet baby and put her in her crib and run the flights of stairs up and down until I get all my groceries. It is close to the only working out I get though so I appreciate it for that. Ironically, when I buy my groceries at the store I risk someone stealing my milk and when I order them online I risk what happened to me this time, the delivery man forgetting my milk. Oh well. It really only was sad for my husband. I actually am off dairy right now because I am trying to see if it helps baby's tummy. I read that it is estimated 40%+ of colicky babies have dairy issues. But it takes 2-3 weeks for the milk protein to leave your system. It has been 2 weeks today. So far its hard to tell.

Until next time,

Little Momma

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